viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

Enzo Faletto, the Great Chilean Sociologist.

Last year, I went to a congress of the Latin America Association of Sociology (ALAS) in the Buenos Aires University, in Argentina. In those days I knew some great sociologists of Latin American, and all of them said: the most important contribution to Latin American Thougth in the sixties comes from Chile, especially frome one man: Enzo Falleto.

Enzo Falleto born in Chile in 1935. His first estudies are in History in the Universidad de Chile, but latter he specialised in Sociology in FLACSO (Latin American Faculty of Social Science). Afther that, he wrote his most important works, especially "Dependencia y Desarrollo en Ámérica Latina" -in collaboration with the ex president of Brasil Fernando E. Cardosso-, his most influential work. When the democracy returned to Chile, he came back to the Sociology Department in the Universidad de Chile to teach Sociology untill his death in 2003.

Personally, Faletto is one of the most complete sociologist who I've studied. In all the sence, because his life, always criticall and far away from the power centers, is admirable too. His work is characterized for "long range explications" of the social events, specificaly in the history of Latin American: class conflicts, dependence, and a long list of... Moreover, he tried to think his own world in perspective and, of course, tried to project it.

Doubtless, I regret not to have entered before at the university, because now I can't have the chance to have classes with him.

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

My favorite vacation place

The best vacations in my life were this summer, in Bolivia. This beautifull country it's definitely my favourite vacation place. But, why ?

My personal history whit Bolivia start when I was thirteen years old and I listen the Inti-Illimani's music for the first time. After that, I fell in love of Latin American Folk music, especially Bolivian Folk music. Afther that, I hear much more music -and not only chilean groups-, and of curse muy dream was to know the country, his people, his culture and -obviously- his music.

I really love music. In fact, the blog's name was inspirated in The Beatles best Album "Sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band" and the most avant-grade composition of Violeta Parra "El Gavilán".

Bolivia it's a beatifull country, but also it's very poor too. In Sucre or La Paz is very comun to see children working. And of curse, all the poor people are indigenous. Beacuse of that I hit it off Evo Morales and is New Constitution, who recognizes the rigths of majority bolivian's people.

Well, a lot of thigs I can say about my impressions of Bolivia, but my english it's not good! I just say: Go to Bolivia! his culture, his music and his people are beautifull. But there aren't Miami or Versalles, because this country has been plundering since the colony's period.

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

The Big Earthquake

The Big Earthquake -the second more stronger in our history!- it's something about all the Chileans want to talk in this moment. Now, I have a reason to tell my history.

The day of the Earthquake I was here, in Santiago, watching a movie with my girlfriend in my sister's apartment in Ñuñoa. My sister wasn't there with us, because she was in Lolol, a village located thirty kilometer away from the epicenter!

So, after the Earthquake we were really quietl, because nothing bad happened in my sister's apartment, and of course, nothing happened to us. Fortunately, our problem was just to call our familys to say we are good.

The first days after the Earthquake I was in my home, because we didn't have electricity and I wanted to keep company to my family. Following I went to Tirua, a coast village who was very affected after the Earthquake, with the FECH and many comrades from FACSO. This experiencie was very important for me and I really met wonderfull people.

Finally, I just wan't to say: the Earthquake is social too, and the consecuences in that level are going to be the most terrible and difficult to overcome. But this is a theme for another job I suppose!