viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

Enzo Faletto, the Great Chilean Sociologist.

Last year, I went to a congress of the Latin America Association of Sociology (ALAS) in the Buenos Aires University, in Argentina. In those days I knew some great sociologists of Latin American, and all of them said: the most important contribution to Latin American Thougth in the sixties comes from Chile, especially frome one man: Enzo Falleto.

Enzo Falleto born in Chile in 1935. His first estudies are in History in the Universidad de Chile, but latter he specialised in Sociology in FLACSO (Latin American Faculty of Social Science). Afther that, he wrote his most important works, especially "Dependencia y Desarrollo en Ámérica Latina" -in collaboration with the ex president of Brasil Fernando E. Cardosso-, his most influential work. When the democracy returned to Chile, he came back to the Sociology Department in the Universidad de Chile to teach Sociology untill his death in 2003.

Personally, Faletto is one of the most complete sociologist who I've studied. In all the sence, because his life, always criticall and far away from the power centers, is admirable too. His work is characterized for "long range explications" of the social events, specificaly in the history of Latin American: class conflicts, dependence, and a long list of... Moreover, he tried to think his own world in perspective and, of course, tried to project it.

Doubtless, I regret not to have entered before at the university, because now I can't have the chance to have classes with him.

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