viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

With a little help from my friends

I have many friends, and I feel very grateful about that. But now, I just can talk about one of my friends. So, I'm going to talk about Gabriel Lizama.

I met gabriel many yerars ago, when we werw only five years old and both were in kinder. Nothing in particular joined us in that time, because we were only kids, without common interest: now, the things are different.

Gabriel, also the rest of my friends, are absolutely crazy about the music, and this common passion is one of the most important reasons to be friends. For example, when we were sixteen years old we played the "Cantata Santa María de Iquique" (the most famous work of the chilean composer Luis Advis) with many other friends, because the hundred years commemoration of the slaughter. We played the work for one year approximately in many places of Santiago, even in the Nacional Congress of Human Rigths celebrated in the Universidad de Santiago. Maybe it's one of the most beautiful moments we have lived together.

Now, he studies Cine and plays in a rock band with his brother, and I study Sociology and play latin american music in a band with other friends. But the passion is the same. In fact, later I'm going to his house to listen to some vinilos of Radiohead, Bob Dylan and Beethoven, and tomorrow at nigth, we are going to listen to the concert of one of the most important brazilian musician: Caetano Veloso, membership of the Tropicalian movement.
The music flows in our veins.

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