domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

POST 2: Brazil.

Caetano Veloso. One of my favourite Brazilian artist.

I like travel, very, very much. But I don't have money or family in other countries, so, I tried to travel to nearby countries. I'm lucky, because at the moment, I knew all the places who I love in South America (because is music, literature, culture, etc.). This places are Uruguay, Argentina and Bolivia. All of them, beautiful countries. Nevertheless, one country is still in 'my list': Brazil.

Why I want go to Brazil ? For the same reasons because I went to other places: tha pleasure of travel and new conversations; the music, the culture, the people.... I want to visit the land of Caetano Veloso, the bossa nova, and the Tropicalia movement!

Brazil have beautiful natural-places and also big and modern cities. Very rich and very poor people; a delicius culture and illiteracy in the amazonas. In my opinion, if you know Brazil, you know all latinoamerica and, maybe, all the world. This is the prncipal cause because I want to live in Brazil but, first, I must go only like a tourist. Maybe, when I complet my studies, I will to Brazil, to live there... working or studing. This is not important for me in this moment.

POST 1: Good and bad points.

Well, at first, I just want to say one think: in my opinion the present year, 2010, is a "cursed year", a terrible year for every one. At least in Chile. Or not ?... I want to know the person who is having a god year !! The 2010 begun like shit -if you forgiven me the expression- due the big earthquake: many people died or missing, or without house; many cities destroyed. Everyone in Chile whit "the nerves of point". Nothing god can born of this.

With regards to my personal life: a disaster. I don't want to give a rundown of that. In my opinion, all my problems are fault of this year. The worst year. The cursed year: 2010.

So, better talk about another thing. Something simple: the studies. Very god. I like my discipline a lot (I prefer this expression, instead of "race", because I don't compete with any one of my companions) and in the first semester I have very interesting subjects. On e of those: "Historia social de Chile" (Social History of Chile), whit Gabriel Salazar -National Price of History, 2006-, one of the most important and influence historian in Chile. It was a god experience.

In agreement with the cuestion "What was the most memorable moment?" I think the most memorable moment was the day who term the semester. For me, that meaned the end of a cycle, and a opportunity to make the things better.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Improvements in my society

My "society" is the chilean society and, really, I don't think this country were getting better. There are a lot of problems and terrible injustices, for example: in this moments, there are thirty-four mapuches in hunger strike and fourteen political prisioner for the "bomb case". But this are puntual problemas. There are more biggers, like the inaccessible health and education for a big part of our society.

There are another societyes worse than the chilean society ? I don`t know. It's a relative thing, because there are societies with another terrible problems, like narcotrafico, massacres in the streets, famine or obesity, dictatorships, higher rats of alcoholism and depression, etc., etc. In my opinion, countries like Mexico, Haití or Japan are societies with many problems, but also problems very differents.

I Think the more important problem in Chile are the socio-economic inequalities, because all the others problems -or the majority- come from this. So, I wans to be an improvement in that way, beacause this involve improvements in education, housing problems, democracy (the constitution, the anti-terrorist law, the binominal sistem, etc.). Now, I have to be honest. I don't bellive in social changes in that way. In fact, I think the changes are in a opposite direction, and there is not political and citizen determination to make this different.