domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Technology subjects: The internet revolution

The modern life have many characteristics, but at this time, one of them is, in my opinion, the most important: the technology is always in progress. Always. And this progress haven't scopes, because inside in all the parts of our lifes. Education it's no the exception. Fifteen years go, the school and university education in Chile was totally different, and principally for one think: the internet, a real revolution.

The internet revolutionized the concept of education. In all the subjects. For example, at this moment, I'm in my house, doing my english homework, by internet... the english subject isn't posible without internet. This subject and this moment (the blog) it's maybe the best example to show my ponit. But, really, in all my subjects is the same. At the moment, I can't study without internet in my home... but ¿Is this positive? I think internet it positive if you use all his resources. However, the problem is the same problem of the education: it's necesary to democratize the internet's acces. Moreover, the democratization of internet acces it's essential if Chile wants to improve his education.

So, about my subjects in the university, in all of them, the internet it's a pedagogical tool, and the most important is the e-mail. I revised my e-mail every day (sometimes two or three times... even more), because, every day I receipt, at the very least, ten e-mails about things of the university ! Of curse, those things aren't just academical things, but are all about the university in general, and talk about, for example, investigations (seminaries, proyects, etc.), academical calendar, political things (national or university), messages from teachers (for example, when I recibe e-mails from Julia saying: "Emilio, do your Blog's homework!")... everything!. Moreover, I do all my works and homeworks using internet. It's like a new encyclopedia.

In conclussion, the technology is very important in modern life and, in the modern education, internet it's like a big revolution. Now we can't live without internet. All in all, internet is -for me- a god tool for the education, but useless if we can't -like country, community, etc.- democratize it.

2 comentarios:

  1. yes, internet is a big revolution, but like you said it's necesary to democratize the internet's acces like learn good use this...

    other thing that surprise me is the necesary that is mobile phone now...

  2. oh yes... internet and mobile phones are like brothers in this times... two big revolutions...

