jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Whell... Hi everybody...
So, you can see I'am very delayed whit my homeworks in englis III (my faovurite subject. I swear)
but... like the bible says "From the penitent is the kingdom of heaven". Whell, i don't belive in god or the bible, but it's a good sentence for moments like this...

So, about how green I am. I tjink I'm very green. I take care about these things. For example, I don't use the car or the public transport very much, because every day (not only when I come to the university) I use the bike. The bike is the best form to be green and healthy. And happy because: have you seen anything more stressful than the public transport ?

But the bike it's not the only thing. I'm "green" in general, for example I treat to don't use things like the television, ligths or computers unnecessarily. But whe, te common people, aren't tyhe problem: the real problem are the big transnational companies, they are not green and never think in the enviorement, because the money it's first.

In the present, the are too many green groups, like "greenpace". There are principally groups from the industrialized countries, formed whit people whit very god conscience, and comfort in his life... there are not many chinise, or indian green-people: they want more contamination and comfort and industry. All these things comming together. This is a fact.

What a fu´kljsdaj´g problem no ?

1 comentario:

  1. I agree whit you, the real problem are the big transnational companies, but everybody have resposible and we have to make something...
