viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

My blogging experience

Today, the last class, I can say in one word: my blogging experience was GREAT. Really, I don't say this to please the teacher, because I don't have any problem to say the opposite, but this is not the true.

The "Blog-our" was, from the beginning of the course, my favorite moment. The work in the classroom was ok, but it is not really pleasant. In the other hand, the "Blog-our" it's much more pleasant, because you can say things funny things, etc. But, this is not the really important thig, because you don't go at the university for entertain there -no in the classroom, maybe in the "grass"-. The most important is to learn, and the Blog was more important for me than the the work in the classroom.

¿Why I think that?

Because, in my opinion, when you enjoyed your job -in the university, in the school or even at the "real world of the work"- you really learn the stuff. That is the reason because my blogging experiencie helps me to improve my english. I enjoyed it.

I think the Blog-our it's a god experience because all the people, especially the university students, have many things to say, but no always the channels to express themselves. Obviously, this is a very big problem, and the Blog-our it's only a little help.

So, in conclusion of all this arguments we can say: blogging in the English class have many advantajes, because -principally- it satisfy our need of expression, to say our opinion, etc. So, we -the students- enjoy this moment and, in consequence, we learn English! Another important thing is the computer-room, because it's a really comfortable place, whit great computers and silence -very important for work-.

So -and this is a very important moment- THIS IS THE END, like The Doors's song says.

I really enjoyed you, dear Blog, and maybe in the future I come back to you.

See you lather.


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