martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Education reforms: here, there and everywhere

Students in the streets of London

During this year, big changes in education have leveled Europe, and the students aren't happy whit that. In general (in the world, and of curse, Chile isn't the exception of that) this reforms trate to privatize the education. Now is the turn of England. Since two weeks ago, thousand of secundary and university students were on strike, but no in the university campus or in the schools: they taken the streets and, in London, start violence incidents against the police. They are about 20.000 people in the streets.

The deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg, wasn't happy about this situation and, at the Hugo Young annual lecture he sais: "These are the things that make me angry; these are the facts that would make me take to the streets; these are the injustices that our policy wiill remedy...". Moreover, he sais students should listen and look before they march and shout, because "education reform will encourage social mobility".

In the other hand, Aron Porter from the National Union of Students, says to BBC who Liberal Democrat (Clegg's party) aren't fulfill their promise about abolishing fees.

A police car today in London, Wednesday 24 November

At today, strike still continues in the streets of London, and you can follow the facts second by second here: Now, if you want to know more about Nick Clegg declarations going to:

Finally, in my opinion, I thing we can't see this event like a isolated fact. It's a global tendence and all the students in the world (and his families, specially poor or worker people) are victims of this "new wave" of privatization. During this year there were strikes in many countries of Europe and here in Latin American too: Who will win this time ? politicians and bussinessmans like always, or students and worker people ? Lets see...

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Technology subjects: The internet revolution

The modern life have many characteristics, but at this time, one of them is, in my opinion, the most important: the technology is always in progress. Always. And this progress haven't scopes, because inside in all the parts of our lifes. Education it's no the exception. Fifteen years go, the school and university education in Chile was totally different, and principally for one think: the internet, a real revolution.

The internet revolutionized the concept of education. In all the subjects. For example, at this moment, I'm in my house, doing my english homework, by internet... the english subject isn't posible without internet. This subject and this moment (the blog) it's maybe the best example to show my ponit. But, really, in all my subjects is the same. At the moment, I can't study without internet in my home... but ¿Is this positive? I think internet it positive if you use all his resources. However, the problem is the same problem of the education: it's necesary to democratize the internet's acces. Moreover, the democratization of internet acces it's essential if Chile wants to improve his education.

So, about my subjects in the university, in all of them, the internet it's a pedagogical tool, and the most important is the e-mail. I revised my e-mail every day (sometimes two or three times... even more), because, every day I receipt, at the very least, ten e-mails about things of the university ! Of curse, those things aren't just academical things, but are all about the university in general, and talk about, for example, investigations (seminaries, proyects, etc.), academical calendar, political things (national or university), messages from teachers (for example, when I recibe e-mails from Julia saying: "Emilio, do your Blog's homework!")... everything!. Moreover, I do all my works and homeworks using internet. It's like a new encyclopedia.

In conclussion, the technology is very important in modern life and, in the modern education, internet it's like a big revolution. Now we can't live without internet. All in all, internet is -for me- a god tool for the education, but useless if we can't -like country, community, etc.- democratize it.

sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010

What to do & Where to go in Santiago!

Alameda Road in 1927

The first one I must say is: the present post it's the post 4. I'm very delayed whit my homeworks, I know.

Santiago it's a great city. Actually, all people says "I don't like Santiago..." or say "Sanatiasko" instead of Santaigo. And I think ¿Why? I suposse it's only a pose, because ¿Do you know many other cities? Please... Obiously, Santiago is not perfect but... come on! it's not so bad. Have good and bad points, like every one! like people... like you and me!

A place in Santiago that I like is the center of the city, specially the old center. I like, for example, Barrio Brasil, Estación Central, San Diego and Avenida Matta. In all those places, there are many hovels when you can listen to cueca. For example, in Avenida Matta con San Diego it's a place called "Club Deportivo y Social Comercio Atlético" or, In Barrio Brasil for example, there is the "Galpón Víctor Jara". Moreover, in that place you always can listen, dance and play cueca too. However, in the center of Santiago you can do many other things, not only listen to cueca. You can go to the cinema, for example. There are two good cinemas: The Alameda's Center of Art and The Normandie's Art Cinema

So, for me, if you want to know Santiago, know the center of the city. If you don't know the center, his people and his streets... you are not a real santiaguino.

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Whell... Hi everybody...
So, you can see I'am very delayed whit my homeworks in englis III (my faovurite subject. I swear)
but... like the bible says "From the penitent is the kingdom of heaven". Whell, i don't belive in god or the bible, but it's a good sentence for moments like this...

So, about how green I am. I tjink I'm very green. I take care about these things. For example, I don't use the car or the public transport very much, because every day (not only when I come to the university) I use the bike. The bike is the best form to be green and healthy. And happy because: have you seen anything more stressful than the public transport ?

But the bike it's not the only thing. I'm "green" in general, for example I treat to don't use things like the television, ligths or computers unnecessarily. But whe, te common people, aren't tyhe problem: the real problem are the big transnational companies, they are not green and never think in the enviorement, because the money it's first.

In the present, the are too many green groups, like "greenpace". There are principally groups from the industrialized countries, formed whit people whit very god conscience, and comfort in his life... there are not many chinise, or indian green-people: they want more contamination and comfort and industry. All these things comming together. This is a fact.

What a fu´kljsdaj´g problem no ?

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

Good Films.

There are many films who I love. But there are only two who really "killed" me: The Fight Club, directed by David Fincher in 1999, and Apocalypse Now, directed by Francis Ford Coppola in 1979. The first, I saw alone in my sister's house, when I was sixteen and from the first moment I was shaking by the philosophy inside the history and characters of the film. The second film,Apocalypse Now, it's, in my humble opinion, one of the masterpieces in the history of cinema. I saw her when I was eighteen and I never forget the words of Francis Ford Coppola, who says 'This is not a film about the Vietnam War, this is Vietnam". There is a god resume of the film, but there is just a word that can resumes the film too: “The Horror”.

Anyway, it’s difficult to me say what is my favourite film. I love films! So I can’t say “this it’s my favourite” or “this it’s the best” because there are too many genius directors and films. For example: Modern Times, direct by Charles Chaplin, it’s wonderfull (I cried at the end) or Ivan The Terrible and Viva México! Of Sergéi Eisenstein, the most greatest russian director, and the American Western, like The Searchers, whit John Wayne and directed by John Ford. However, in Chile there are good films too. In fact, Chile was one of the first countries in the world who has a film’s industry in the XX century. Moreover, one of my favourites films in all the world it’s a chilean film. Directed by Miguel Littin: El Chacal de Nahueltoro. I like too Machuca, Caluga o menta and El peje-sapo, a films who talks about the lumpen in Chile.

All in all, I think one of the most important thigns in the cine is his vinculation whit social themes: it’s, in my opinión -or visión-, a “sociological art”, because in general, movies talk about characters in societis, his life, etc.

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

POST 2: Brazil.

Caetano Veloso. One of my favourite Brazilian artist.

I like travel, very, very much. But I don't have money or family in other countries, so, I tried to travel to nearby countries. I'm lucky, because at the moment, I knew all the places who I love in South America (because is music, literature, culture, etc.). This places are Uruguay, Argentina and Bolivia. All of them, beautiful countries. Nevertheless, one country is still in 'my list': Brazil.

Why I want go to Brazil ? For the same reasons because I went to other places: tha pleasure of travel and new conversations; the music, the culture, the people.... I want to visit the land of Caetano Veloso, the bossa nova, and the Tropicalia movement!

Brazil have beautiful natural-places and also big and modern cities. Very rich and very poor people; a delicius culture and illiteracy in the amazonas. In my opinion, if you know Brazil, you know all latinoamerica and, maybe, all the world. This is the prncipal cause because I want to live in Brazil but, first, I must go only like a tourist. Maybe, when I complet my studies, I will to Brazil, to live there... working or studing. This is not important for me in this moment.

POST 1: Good and bad points.

Well, at first, I just want to say one think: in my opinion the present year, 2010, is a "cursed year", a terrible year for every one. At least in Chile. Or not ?... I want to know the person who is having a god year !! The 2010 begun like shit -if you forgiven me the expression- due the big earthquake: many people died or missing, or without house; many cities destroyed. Everyone in Chile whit "the nerves of point". Nothing god can born of this.

With regards to my personal life: a disaster. I don't want to give a rundown of that. In my opinion, all my problems are fault of this year. The worst year. The cursed year: 2010.

So, better talk about another thing. Something simple: the studies. Very god. I like my discipline a lot (I prefer this expression, instead of "race", because I don't compete with any one of my companions) and in the first semester I have very interesting subjects. On e of those: "Historia social de Chile" (Social History of Chile), whit Gabriel Salazar -National Price of History, 2006-, one of the most important and influence historian in Chile. It was a god experience.

In agreement with the cuestion "What was the most memorable moment?" I think the most memorable moment was the day who term the semester. For me, that meaned the end of a cycle, and a opportunity to make the things better.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Improvements in my society

My "society" is the chilean society and, really, I don't think this country were getting better. There are a lot of problems and terrible injustices, for example: in this moments, there are thirty-four mapuches in hunger strike and fourteen political prisioner for the "bomb case". But this are puntual problemas. There are more biggers, like the inaccessible health and education for a big part of our society.

There are another societyes worse than the chilean society ? I don`t know. It's a relative thing, because there are societies with another terrible problems, like narcotrafico, massacres in the streets, famine or obesity, dictatorships, higher rats of alcoholism and depression, etc., etc. In my opinion, countries like Mexico, Haití or Japan are societies with many problems, but also problems very differents.

I Think the more important problem in Chile are the socio-economic inequalities, because all the others problems -or the majority- come from this. So, I wans to be an improvement in that way, beacause this involve improvements in education, housing problems, democracy (the constitution, the anti-terrorist law, the binominal sistem, etc.). Now, I have to be honest. I don't bellive in social changes in that way. In fact, I think the changes are in a opposite direction, and there is not political and citizen determination to make this different.

viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

My blogging experience

Today, the last class, I can say in one word: my blogging experience was GREAT. Really, I don't say this to please the teacher, because I don't have any problem to say the opposite, but this is not the true.

The "Blog-our" was, from the beginning of the course, my favorite moment. The work in the classroom was ok, but it is not really pleasant. In the other hand, the "Blog-our" it's much more pleasant, because you can say things funny things, etc. But, this is not the really important thig, because you don't go at the university for entertain there -no in the classroom, maybe in the "grass"-. The most important is to learn, and the Blog was more important for me than the the work in the classroom.

¿Why I think that?

Because, in my opinion, when you enjoyed your job -in the university, in the school or even at the "real world of the work"- you really learn the stuff. That is the reason because my blogging experiencie helps me to improve my english. I enjoyed it.

I think the Blog-our it's a god experience because all the people, especially the university students, have many things to say, but no always the channels to express themselves. Obviously, this is a very big problem, and the Blog-our it's only a little help.

So, in conclusion of all this arguments we can say: blogging in the English class have many advantajes, because -principally- it satisfy our need of expression, to say our opinion, etc. So, we -the students- enjoy this moment and, in consequence, we learn English! Another important thing is the computer-room, because it's a really comfortable place, whit great computers and silence -very important for work-.

So -and this is a very important moment- THIS IS THE END, like The Doors's song says.

I really enjoyed you, dear Blog, and maybe in the future I come back to you.

See you lather.


viernes, 18 de junio de 2010


What would be like my future ? I just have to say two things about that. The first: this is a very hard question. The second thing is: I don't have any idea about my future.

Well, I study sociology, and I like to study this. So, I intend to complete my studies. But, afther that is the problem. I only know -very clearly- the things I don want in my life. For example, I don't want the typical life of my social class: get a job, buy a house, a car... and of curse, a beautifull wife.

The another day we talked about that with my friend Natalia. She said the same thing: she has no idea about her future. I can remember one thing I thought that day. I can only imagine myself very, very old... like a grandfather. But it's strange, because I think in a little girl -seven or eigth years- but in between, I can't think in her parents and uncles: My children !!!... No please.

This is one of the things I really believe about my future: I don't wan't children. I don't have any problem with them but to be a father -or a mother- is to have a life style too. IT's not only "pure love". And of course, love is the most important thing in this kind of business, but you have to take a lot of other responsabilities.

So, I suppose that pretty little child in my dreams is my niece. But the problem is my two brothers think exactly like me: they are thirty three -Karina- and thirty seven -Claudio- years old and none have children. And the most important: no-one want children.

I see a future whithout pretty litle child in my garden.

sábado, 12 de junio de 2010

A travel with friends

This is a really important picture for me. Obviously, is not a Big Picture, or a beautifull picture and neither an work of art. His importance is in his sentimental value.

This picture was taked this summer, during the Carnal of Oruro, in Oruro -obviously-, Bolivia. It was taken by a chilean boy -I can't remember his name- who shared the accommodation with us. But he wasn't traveled with us.

Bolivia is a country with wonderful traditions, and one of the most important are the Carnavales. The Carnaval of Oruro it's the most famous, because many people from Bolivia and the world -especially from other countries of South America- make a "pilgrimage" to the city. During three days -all the day, even the night-, all is music, dance, drink, food and happiness in the city.

Those days of carnival are the reasons because this picture is importante to me. Reflects happy days, and our life style in those days too. A friend who saw this picture, says we lived like hippies in the sixties. That comment maked me fun, because it was true.

In the picture, we can see from the left to the right: Me -with the guitar-; Pancho, an old friend from the school; Negro, another old friend; Vicho, the pancho's brother; Natalia, my best friend from the university -she studies sociology, like me- and Lisandro with Vicky, two big friends from Buenos Aires, Argentina. We know they at the first week in Bolivia, in Uyuni, and after that, we travel all together. Lisandro studies sociology in the Universidad de Buenos Aires -the most important university in Argentina- and Vicky studies psychology in the same university. They are boyfriends.

I really love this picture, because those days were wonderful, and I really love the people in that picture.

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

"Burgle Handkerchief-dance" and kite

I'am not a patriotic person. In fact, I think nations -like the State and the Internacional Market- are instruments created by the power, not for the people. In spite of this, my favourite festivity is September eighteenth: the patriotic fair.

¿Why? Because the people don't make nations, festivities or frontiers: they make traditions, invent how to play, dance and sing. They also make their way of life.

In Septembre I especially like to go to dance Burgle Handkerchief-dance (cueca chora) in places like peñas, fondas or with my friends in a house. The food and the drink are great too. Empanadas, wine and roast are typical in those days.

In fact, I'm very expectant for this year, because last year -2009- one of my greatest friends was very sick. Really, he was very close to die. Of course, I was every day in the hospital but fortunately, today he is fine. So this year, the party is better to be good.

There is nothig new that I desire for this year. Only dance, music, wine and food. All this with my friends ¿is there something better?

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010

The Capital Punishment, the Crime, the State.

Laws are social agreements, social facts and the social instutacionalitation of the rules. fot that, the laws are an interesnting subject for any student of sociology too. The greatest French socilogist Emile Durkheim says the laws are cohercitive and support hardenss in a human group. That's true, but ¿that means we can do everything in the name of the law? I disagree.

I think the center of the discussion in those kind of themes is just one: The Human Rigths. The States of all the countries must guaranatee the respect of The Human Rigths, because the History teaches us about the disasters in people and societies when they were violiated. For that, in my opinion the Capital Punishment has no pros, just cons.

It's a scientific fact that the humans are a consequence of their social environment. In Chile and all over the world. So, the real solution is only a long term solution, because it means a social change. The social changes are not only from the State, because the State defends the social-model who permits social differences, marginalization, states of alination in the poorest people, etcetera. That is the reality because many states and politics defend Capital Punishment or hardening laws in general.

Personally, I've never been victim of a crime. But I think this it's not the really important thing. Important things are two: to defend the Human Rigths and to understand reallity about the crime, marginalization and real position of the State in those themes.

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

With a little help from my friends

I have many friends, and I feel very grateful about that. But now, I just can talk about one of my friends. So, I'm going to talk about Gabriel Lizama.

I met gabriel many yerars ago, when we werw only five years old and both were in kinder. Nothing in particular joined us in that time, because we were only kids, without common interest: now, the things are different.

Gabriel, also the rest of my friends, are absolutely crazy about the music, and this common passion is one of the most important reasons to be friends. For example, when we were sixteen years old we played the "Cantata Santa María de Iquique" (the most famous work of the chilean composer Luis Advis) with many other friends, because the hundred years commemoration of the slaughter. We played the work for one year approximately in many places of Santiago, even in the Nacional Congress of Human Rigths celebrated in the Universidad de Santiago. Maybe it's one of the most beautiful moments we have lived together.

Now, he studies Cine and plays in a rock band with his brother, and I study Sociology and play latin american music in a band with other friends. But the passion is the same. In fact, later I'm going to his house to listen to some vinilos of Radiohead, Bob Dylan and Beethoven, and tomorrow at nigth, we are going to listen to the concert of one of the most important brazilian musician: Caetano Veloso, membership of the Tropicalian movement.
The music flows in our veins.

viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

Enzo Faletto, the Great Chilean Sociologist.

Last year, I went to a congress of the Latin America Association of Sociology (ALAS) in the Buenos Aires University, in Argentina. In those days I knew some great sociologists of Latin American, and all of them said: the most important contribution to Latin American Thougth in the sixties comes from Chile, especially frome one man: Enzo Falleto.

Enzo Falleto born in Chile in 1935. His first estudies are in History in the Universidad de Chile, but latter he specialised in Sociology in FLACSO (Latin American Faculty of Social Science). Afther that, he wrote his most important works, especially "Dependencia y Desarrollo en Ámérica Latina" -in collaboration with the ex president of Brasil Fernando E. Cardosso-, his most influential work. When the democracy returned to Chile, he came back to the Sociology Department in the Universidad de Chile to teach Sociology untill his death in 2003.

Personally, Faletto is one of the most complete sociologist who I've studied. In all the sence, because his life, always criticall and far away from the power centers, is admirable too. His work is characterized for "long range explications" of the social events, specificaly in the history of Latin American: class conflicts, dependence, and a long list of... Moreover, he tried to think his own world in perspective and, of course, tried to project it.

Doubtless, I regret not to have entered before at the university, because now I can't have the chance to have classes with him.

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

My favorite vacation place

The best vacations in my life were this summer, in Bolivia. This beautifull country it's definitely my favourite vacation place. But, why ?

My personal history whit Bolivia start when I was thirteen years old and I listen the Inti-Illimani's music for the first time. After that, I fell in love of Latin American Folk music, especially Bolivian Folk music. Afther that, I hear much more music -and not only chilean groups-, and of curse muy dream was to know the country, his people, his culture and -obviously- his music.

I really love music. In fact, the blog's name was inspirated in The Beatles best Album "Sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band" and the most avant-grade composition of Violeta Parra "El Gavilán".

Bolivia it's a beatifull country, but also it's very poor too. In Sucre or La Paz is very comun to see children working. And of curse, all the poor people are indigenous. Beacuse of that I hit it off Evo Morales and is New Constitution, who recognizes the rigths of majority bolivian's people.

Well, a lot of thigs I can say about my impressions of Bolivia, but my english it's not good! I just say: Go to Bolivia! his culture, his music and his people are beautifull. But there aren't Miami or Versalles, because this country has been plundering since the colony's period.

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

The Big Earthquake

The Big Earthquake -the second more stronger in our history!- it's something about all the Chileans want to talk in this moment. Now, I have a reason to tell my history.

The day of the Earthquake I was here, in Santiago, watching a movie with my girlfriend in my sister's apartment in Ñuñoa. My sister wasn't there with us, because she was in Lolol, a village located thirty kilometer away from the epicenter!

So, after the Earthquake we were really quietl, because nothing bad happened in my sister's apartment, and of course, nothing happened to us. Fortunately, our problem was just to call our familys to say we are good.

The first days after the Earthquake I was in my home, because we didn't have electricity and I wanted to keep company to my family. Following I went to Tirua, a coast village who was very affected after the Earthquake, with the FECH and many comrades from FACSO. This experiencie was very important for me and I really met wonderfull people.

Finally, I just wan't to say: the Earthquake is social too, and the consecuences in that level are going to be the most terrible and difficult to overcome. But this is a theme for another job I suppose!